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Soul of the NEXT EConomy Forum

NOVEMBER 14 & 15

We were at Ambrose University, 150 Ambrose Circle SW, Calgary

The Soul of the Next Economy Forum is where businesses, non-profits, government, and educational institutions converge to change the way we do business and impact society.

This is was a great opportunity to engage with thought leaders who are creating innovative and sustainable solutions to social and environmental issues. Fuelled by innovation, collaboration and corporate social responsibility, we came together to learn about local and global social and development challenges; connect with peers, industry experts and other sectors addressing these challenges; and engage in sustainable business oriented solutions to these challenges

nGens and The Alberta SDG Network are friends of the Forum.

What Sustainability Development Practitioners should know...

NOVEMBER 12, 5:30-7:00pm - Mel presented at the International Association for Impact Assessment, Calgary Pubinar Series.

The Talk: On 25 September 2015, Canada, along with 192 other countries of the UN General Assembly, adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The world, it seemed, was united in its commitment to tackle the most pressing social, environmental, and economic challenges by 2030.

Over the past four years there has been a lot of talk and many reports urging action on the SDGs, but has anything really changed? If not, why not? Have sustainability practitioners - the professionals on the front lines of sustainable development - embraced the SDGs? And with just over 10 years left to achieve the goals, what should their role be? These are some of the topics we discussed.